I received this picture by email from a cousin. I didn't post it directly because some weird voice in the back of my head said it was inappropriate (damn voices!)
Even though I am the kind that loves to entertain and amuse my readers, this is not the only reason why I posted this picture. I have a problem while receiving messages of any sorts from my environment… I love to over analyze things to come up with judgments about the person who created it. And I have a theory:
I believe that the person who created this was a guy
Think about it:
- The wife gives the husband a blowjob and he doesn’t return the favor
- The woman is so fucking gorgeous! The guy... Let’s just say he’s just average!
I don’t know why do I get the feeling that this artwork was designed to give the Guys’ species (probably because the author was a guy) the illusion that even if you are ugly, even if you have a son in a small house, even if you don’t really know how to make a woman feel excited… you could just end up with a gorgeous woman, an obedient son and the best sexual life…
I tried to extrapolate this and say that the author might have been a woman that would want to end up with an obedient son and a great fuck, considering that maybe not many couples do cunnilingus and maybe the author was trying to be conventional bla bla bla. But let’s face it, a woman might not demand oral sex but if she was to draw a fantasy she would mention it. A woman’s dream of a perfect life might be one out of two categories:
She would either dream of ending up with a macho guy that would make her want what he wants and be a man.
Or she would dream of a sexy husband that would hold her hands, bring her flowers… Give her oral sex!
It’s very simple, none of us is perfect and most of us realize it but ALL of us want to have the perfect partner that would care only to please us. So as a general conclusion:
Perfect wife=> Man’s fantasy
And vice versa
"I love to over analyze things to come up with judgments about the person who created it."
LOL, yes! I always do that! Simply can't help myself!
I've found it fairly easy & entertaining to determine the approximate age, gender, & even nationality of an erotic films director/producer. It's an easy thing to do!
(omg, I think I'm a freak like you now! :P)
"...macho guy that would make her want what he wants"
"...sexy husband that would hold her hands, bring her flowers… Give her oral sex!"
So given a choice between those two, what would you want? I can fit either profile nicely! :D
btw, wouldn't a 1:3 ratio of the two be the best and much more interesting?
oh! one more thing!
I believe your theory has some flaws!
It's much easier to draw a beautiful woman than a man. Simply try to find good examples of the later, you'll have a hard time. Even among women illustrators this appears to be the case.
(btw, give me a warning if it begin to leave too many comments :P)
LoL. maybe not many couples do cunnilingus
I would guess that these days oral sex is more popular than holding hands.
Chris..... I am no normal girl, I dont care about sex really, sex is the last thing on my mind (why is my nose growing so long?!) in fact what I really care about is MONEY! ;)
Oh and I know women are prettier than men, but please! I am sure the author of this thing could have done some effort.... if he wasn't a man... and if he wasn't drawing himself...
Oral sex should be more popular than holding hands. I don't like holding hands.
euh, I would say : perfect-wife = blonde => man-fantazy
perfect-man = handy-man
should the man be ugly and intelligent, he doesn't want trouble at home with an intelligent wife
should the man be just sexy, he needs an intelligent wife to handle the house and prevent him to get away :lol:
should the man be common, what would make the difference ? his kindness, his cleverness, but not his intelligence or his sexiness, that would be the perfect man !
as far as perfect wife, I never been such, neither blonde nor intelligent, but passionate, interested in life pleasures and personal spiritual achievments
euh, blow-job, is not a common perfect-wife habit, but often a secret man desire
and since women can earn their life, men have to forget it : lol:
What? no way! Personally I'm pretty weak when it comes to brunettes!
yeah, actually I think that's true. Several women I know have mentioned this. It's becoming a rare quality.
"euh, blow-job, is not a common perfect-wife habit,"
Damn it! Well it sure as hell should be!!!
depends on how much money you can afford for compensation (jewelry, mode, esthetitian, hairdresser, Bahamas villegiature....) :lol:
Hmmm, first this:
"...what I really care about is MONEY!", pazuzu
then this:
"...depends on how much money you can afford", nomad
OK, I'm seriously disappointed in the both of you! My mental images are shattered! You guys are no longer ideal women in my eyes...
I didn't want to reveal this, but in fact I'm extremely wealthy! ...and you two just blew your chances! :P
"euh, blow-job, is not a common perfect-wife habit, but often a secret man desire"
Thank you nomade... my point exactly, i bet a man would choose a blowjobing brunette on a non-blowjobing blnde woman... The author is a MAN!!!!
DOn't be disapointed... we are just being honest.
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