Monday, May 27, 2013

Refugee parents on hunger strike

Beirut – May 27, 2013 – A UNHCR-recognized African refugee couple today began an open-ended hunger strike to demand their resettlement in a third country where their daughter will finally be granted a future.
Lamis, 4 years old, was born to a Sudanese father and a Somali mother. She does not have any nationality or legal status in Lebanon. Her father, Muhamad, 41 years old, arrived to Lebanon in the 90’s, fleeing persecution in Sudan. He was arrested several times for illegal entry and is still traumatized. Her mother Gigi, 30 years old, orphan, fled Somalia when she was a child. She has been a victim of slavery in Lebanon and has never known anything else except suffering and misery.
Lamis is neither Somali nor Sudanese, she is simply stateless. She will never have legal status in Lebanon. The Lebanese Law does not provide for this. She has no opportunity of studying, since she faces the risk of being arrested because she does not have papers. Discrimination, exploitation and poverty - it is the future of Lamis if no solution is found for this family.
« I am afraid she will suffer like me », sobs Gigi, recalling bitterly the years she spent working without ever enjoying her childhood.
« After all these years of suffering, our happiness is gone; our sole purpose now is to give our daughter a future », adds Muhamad.
The only solution for Lamis is a resettlement in another country, organized by the UNHCR. For the moment, no country has accepted them yet. The parents of Lamis cannot take it anymore; they don’t see any other solution than to begin an open-ended hunger strike until a solution is found «at least for Lamis» they beg. « We would even accept that she is sent without us in a country that would protect her rights ».
Despite the fatigue and years of their lives ruined by suffering, they cling to the hope that a country will open its doors to them.
CLDH (Lebanese Center for Human Rights) that is following the case of this family - hosts them in its premises for their hunger strike, not only to show the support of the organization to their protest, but also to prevent further violation of their rights. « Refugees who protest in front of UNHCR are regularly arrested. We prefer that their protest takes place in the safety of our office», explains Wadih Al-Asmar, Secretary General of CLDH.
For more information : Wadih Al-Asmar, 70 950 780.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Graffiti is not JUST art

I just can't wrap my mind around this form of bullshitting:

Khawam is set to defend himself in front of a judge on Wednesday. Ayman Mhanna, executive director of the Samir Kassir (SKeyes) Center for Media and Cultural Freedom, which is giving the artist legal counsel, argues, “we understand that theoretically we cannot destroy public property, but we know that the walls of Beirut are quite ugly, so having nice drawings and graffiti on them is not something that’s degrading public property, it’s adding value to public property. And there is so much graffiti on public walls, it’s totally ridiculous to pick on this guy specifically and prosecute him.”

In addition to mentioning this on my Facebook I had to repeat this and add a bit more.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Someone had to say it. You can read the original post on CLDH facebook group in English or Arabic
Press release (I received it by email)
We are all Ali Mahfouz!

On March 8, 2012, the LBCI television channel broadcast shocking footage of the young Ethiopian woman, Alem Dechasa-Desisa, as she lays on the ground in front of her country's embassy, weeping and saying that she does not want to return to Ethiopia. A man is then filmed dragging her forcefully into a car. We later learned that the woman in question had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, and that Ali Mahfouz, her employer, had been charged. Finally, we learned that she had committed suicide on March 14 by hanging herself.

Monday, January 09, 2012

A heartbreaking/warming account of a woman struggling with the cravings


I may have never tried heroin but i have my own demons to fight. And they look just as intimidating and insurmountable

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.3

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Syrian blogger Razan Ghazzawi arrested

Translation of the statement made by the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression

Police of immigration and passport control arrested the Syrian blogger and activist Razan Ghazzawi today afternoon, Sunday 4-12-2011. She was arrested at the Syrian-Jordanian borders as she was on her way to attend a workshop for advocates of press freedom in the Arab world in Amman. She was to represent the Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression.

Razan works as the media coordinator at the aforementioned center. She received her bachelor in English literature from Damascus university and has a Master’s degree in comparative literature from the University of Balamand, Lebanon. She wrote her master thesis on a short story collection by the Iraqi author Sham’oon Blas, who lives moving between Paris and Palestine, discussing how the nationalist discourse of the previously-colonized nations impacts the formulation of identity in their post-colonial, modern state.

Razan has written many articles and literary and media contributions, and started her own blog in 2009 (Razaniyyat; http://

The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression strongly condemns the arrest of the colleague and blogger Razan Ghazzawi and sees in her arrest a continuation of the suppression of the civilian society and a miserable attempt at aborting freedom of expression in Syria. The center also demands that the Syrian authorities stop their systematic harassment against Syrian bloggers and journalists and that blogger Razan Ghazzawi and all the detainees in Syria be released. Moreover, the center holds the Syrian authorities responsible for any physical or psychological damage that the blogger might undergo.

Damascus 4-12-2011

Monday, August 08, 2011

شكراً سوريا

حدا بيتذكر هالشعار؟ هيدا كان الشعار اللي نزل فيه حزب الله وحلفاؤه بالـ٢٠٠٥ بوج اللي كانوا عم يتظاهروا لخروج الجيش السوري من لبنان. في كتير إشيا تغيّرت من وقتا لهلّق. في كتير ظلم ارتكبوه لبنانيي بحق عمال سوريي. اي، كانت فشة خلق، وما بقول هالشي لتبرير وإنما لتجريم اللي صار.

بس مش هون الفكرة، الفكرة انو أنا حابة إكتب لثوار سوريا، بركي البعض منن بيسمع وبيحس بالتقدير اللي حسيت فيه تجاهكن.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

lesbian outlaw


ما بعرف ليش هالشي ذكرني بالمتل اللبناني:
بتبزق عليه بيقلق الدني عم تشتي

Posted via email from @Pazuzu_hsp: